PostgreSQL (Angular)
Radzen apps can connect to PostgreSQL support databases. All you need to do is specify the connection string. Radzen will discover the schema and create an OData service which will expose the tables as OData entities.
- The OData services that Radzen generates requires .NET Core. As a result Radzen will not create a PostgreSQL data source unless .NET Core is installed.
This tutorial will show you how to connect to a PostgreSQL database, read, add, update and delete data.
Make sure you have installed .NET Core. Follow the installation instructions.
How to build the application
- Step 1: Create and configure the application
- Step 2: Add the PostgreSQL data source
- Step 3: Automatically generate CRUD pages
Step 1: Create and configure the application
Create a new Radzen application by following the first step from the quickstart guide.
Step 2: Add the PostgreSQL data source
In this step we create a data source that connects to a PostgreSQL database.
- Open the application that you created in the previous step for editing.
- Click data to go to the My DataSources screen.
- Click new to add a new data source.
- Select PostgreSQL as data source type.
- Pick a Name for your data source.
- Enter the PostgreSQL connection info - server, database name, user and password. Optionally you can specify port in the server field separated with
. - Click Next.
- Radzen will connect to the database and infer all tables and views. By default all tables are checked and you can choose/uncheck tables and/or table properties and views needed for your application.
Step 3: Automatically generate CRUD pages
- Check the Generate pages for CRUD operations check-box.Radzen can create pages only for tables with primary keys. For views only read page will be created.
- Radzen will open Edit and Add pages by default in dialogs. Uncheck the check-box if you want to have navigation instead.
- Check the Enable optimistic concurrency check-box if you want to enable automatically optimistic concurrency.
- Click Finish.
You can now run the application to verify that you have full CRUD support.
Optionally you can data-bind a data grid component manually
- Drag-and-drop a data grid component from the toolbox.
- Use Data property wizard to select data source for the DataGrid.
- Build and run the application.