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Finishing touches (Blazor)

In this final part of the CRM tutorial we will add a few final features that will make the CRM application more polished.

  • Customize the navigation.
  • Show the current user picture.
  • Allow the current user to update his personal details - first name, last name and picture.
  • Create custom design for the login page.

Customize the navigation

We will rearrange the navigation, create a hierarchy, and add icons.

The application navigation typically lives in the Main layout. Layouts are special pages that define common UI components that are shared between multiple pages.

  1. Open the Main layout in Radzen.
  2. Select the PanelMenu component. Click the button to open the Navigation item editor.
  3. By default it doesn’t display any items because it shows all pages that are marked as “include in navigation” (add and edit pages are excluded by default).
  4. Click the refresh button to create items for all pages in the application.
  5. Remove the Opportunity statuses, Task Statuses and Task Types pages. We will add them later under a common parent.
  6. Move the Home page to the top so it appears first. Set Text to Dashboard and Icon to home.
  7. Move the Contacts page so it appears second. Set the Icon to perm_contact_calendar.
  8. Make the Tasks page third and set the Icon to work.
  9. Make Opportunities fourth and set the Icon to shopping_cart.
  10. Add a new item with Text Settings and Icon: settings. Set the Visible property to ${Security.IsInRole("Sales Manager")}. This makes this item visible only to members of the Sales Manager role.
  11. Add a child item with Text Opportunity Statuses and pick the Opportunity Statuses page from the Path dropdown.
  12. Then add another child with Text Task Types and pick the Task Types page from the Path dropdown.
  13. Finally add one last child for the Task Statuses page.

Now when a member of the Sales Manager role logs in she would see this navigation. Members of the Sales Representative role will see this (note that the Settings menu item is not present).

Show the current user picture

By default the Main layout has a ProfileMenu component which allows users to logout or update their profile. Let’s customize the ProfileMenu to show the current user name and profile picture.

  1. Select the ProfileMenu component.
  2. Click the Edit template button.
  3. Delete the Gravatar component.
  4. Drag and drop a Label component.
  5. Set the Text of the Label to ${Security.User.FirstName}.
  6. Duplicate the Label. Set its Text to ${Security.User.LastName}.
  7. Drag and drop an Image. Set Path to ${Security.User.Picture}. Set Width and Height to 32px and BorderRadius to 16px.
  8. End template editing.

If you run the application from Radzen you will see the current user picture and name in the top right corner.

Update user details

When you enable security for a Radzen application one of the scaffolded pages is Profile (also accessible from the ProfileMenu component in the top right corner). By default it allows the current user to change their password. In the CRM application we have extended the AspNetUsers table with three new columns - FirstName, LastName, Picture and we want the user to be able to change them.

Create the UI

Now let’s create the UI.

  1. Open the Profile page in Radzen.
  2. Drag and drop a Tabs component.
  3. Add two items: Personal and Password.
  4. Select the Password tab and move the TemplateForm there.
  5. Delete the now empty Row.
  6. Select the Personal tab and drag and drop a new TemplateForm inside. Set its Data property to ${user}.
  7. Set the Text of the label to First Name. Set the Value of the TextBox to ${user.FirstName}. Set the Text of the validator to First Name is required.
  8. Duplicate the first row of the form. Set the Text of the label to Last Name. Set Component to textBox0. Set the Value of the TextBox to ${user.LastName}. Set the Text of the validator to Last Name is required. Set Component to textbox0.
  9. Duplicate the second row of the form. Delete the TextBox and drop a FileInput. Set the Text of the label to Picture. Set Component to fileInput0. Set the Value of the FileInput to ${user.Picture} and its Display style property to block. Set the Text of the validator to Picture is required. Set Component to fileInput0.

The final step is to update the personal data when the user submits the form.

  1. Go back to Radzen.
  2. Add a new handler for the form Submit event.
  3. Ivoke the Security.updateUser custom method. Set the Id parameter
    • Set the Id parameter to ${Security.User.Id}
    • Set the User parameter to ${user}
  4. Display a notification in the Then event to let the user know that their details have been updated.

Custom login page

Finally let’s create a custom login page by editing both the Login layout and page.

Login layout

We will add a background image that will cover the whole page. Also we will add the CRM application logo.

Add the assets

Radzen allows you to use images seamlessly. For this demo we will use a background and logo. Download those files and add them as assets in the application.

Set the background image

  1. Open the Login layout.
  2. Drag an Image component and drop it before the existing row component.
  3. Set the Path of the image to login-background.png (click to use the asset picker).
  4. Set Width and Height to 100%. Set Position to absolute. Set Top and Left to 0. This will make the image cover the whole page.

Center the row

We now want to center the login form in the page (both horizontally and vertically).

  1. Select the Row component.
  2. Set Horizontal Alignment and Vertical Alignment to Center.
  3. Go to the Style tab. Set Position to absolute, Top, Right, Bottom and Left to 0. Set Margin to 0.

Specify column settings

  1. Select the Column component.
  2. Set the XL size to 3 units, LG to 4, MD to 5 and SM to 8.
  3. Set Vertical Alignment and Horizontal Alignment to None.
  4. Go to the Style tab and set Padding to 0px.
  5. Select the Card component. Go to the Style tab of the property grid and set the top Margin to 0.
  1. Drag an Image component and drop it in the Card component.
  2. Set Path to logo.png.
  3. Set Width and Height to 128px. Set BorderRadius to 64px. This will make the logo a circle.
  4. Let’s center the image. Set Display to block. Set Right and Left Margin to auto.
  5. Now let’s make the image pop out of the card a bit. Set Top Margin to -72px.

Login page

Let’s now customize the Login page by using a TemplateForm instead of the Login component.

Create the login form

  1. Open the Login page.
  2. Delete the existing Login component and its parent row and column.
  3. Drag and drop a TemplateForm then delete its content.
  4. Drag and drop a TextBox inside the TemplateForm. Set its Name to Username and Width to 100%.
  5. Drag a Label before the TextBox. Set its Text to Username and pick Username from the Component dropdown. Set Display to block so the TextBox starts on the next line. Set top Margin to 16px.
  6. Drag and drop a Password. Set its Name to Password and Width to 100%.
  7. Drag and drop a Label. Set Text and Component to Password. Set Display to block. Set top Margin to 16px.
  8. Drag and drop a Button. Set Text to Login, ButtonType to submit, Width to 100% and top Margin to 16px.

Perform the login

Now to actually perform the login.

  1. Set the Action property of the TemplateForm to /Account/Login.
  2. Set Method to post.

That is all!

Complete source

The complete source of this application (with a few additional changes that are mostly cosmetic) is available for server-side Blazor and for client-side WebAssembly Blazor in the Radzen github repository.