Hey, it's our birthday! We are now 3 years old! In the last month 4686 new applications were created, connected to 2706 data sources with 1946 deploys. Happy birthday, Radzen!
We were also busy shipping new features that would make application development easier.
Customize CRUD pages during database infer
You can now specify DataGrid column titles, string format, if the column is sortable or filterable. Customizing the "Add" and "Edit" forms is also supported.
Property binding picker for Blazor
Data-binding properties is now possible without typing expressions manually.
Auto-generate TemplateForm
Pick a schema (usually a table from your data source) and generate a fully working form that you can customize later via the Radzen designer.
Documentation changes
We’ve spent a decent amount of time bringing the Radzen documentation up to date with all the new features. We tried to explain the concepts better and provide a Blazor version of the articles where missing.
Validation improvements
Last but not least we released a new RegexValidator component and allowed you to specify the comparison operator in the CompareValidator. Both features available for Blazor and Angular.
Download Radzen now and check the roadmap to find what’s next.
Enjoy and stay safe!